25-28.09 – collaboration with Christian Kosmas Mayer at Ursula Blickle Stiftung, Vienna

14.06Death by Landscape, a concert at Budakunsten Centrum, Kortrijk (BE), in the frame of Almost Summer festival

7-9.05HAUNTED NAP [plantées là], a nap conference, together with Paula Caspão. 16th International Conference on Artistic Research, Porto (PT)

30.04 HAUNTED NAP [plantées là], in the frame of a cycle of conferences at La Manufacture (CH). A session of sleep-reading with a flock of open books, translations and related forms of (trans)plantation across fields (of knowledge, joy, cotton, molton, art, corn, culture, complicity, complaint), Haunted Nap calls for hallucinatory remediation with no remedy. by Paula Caspão & Alix Eynaudi

10.04 – 11.04 – r i v e r h o od, a choreographic assemblage at Eindorf – a project by Sabina Holzer with Oisín Monaghan, Litó Walkey, Agnes Schneidewind, Jack Hauser, Boris Hauf

6.03 – fiction fiction at Grazer Kunstverein in the frame of the exhibition 2019 curated by Tom Engels and Raimundas Malašauskas, with Hugo Le Brigand, music turf + surf aka Han-Gyeol lie & Paul Kotal

31.01AKUTE FEIER extended Klavierabend / Han-Gyeol Lie + guests at Wiener Volksliedwerk


13.12 – 16.12 – Wonderfruit Festival, Thailand. Restshop #8 + Insomnia with Hugo Le Brigand + the Oracle Den

13.12 – 01.03 2025 – group exhibition at grazer kunstverein2019 – curated by Raimundas Malašauskas & Tom Engels – with Alix Eynaudi, Alexandra Sukhareva, Ana Jotta & Pierre Leguillon, Ariana Reines, Bradley Kronz, Gathy Weiss & Fred Holland & Ishmael Houston-Jonês, Elena Narbutaité, Gintaras Didziapetris, Henrik Olesen, Jason Dodge, John Menick, Julie Peeters, Koenraad Dedobbeleer, Malak Helmy, Morgan Quaintance, Pratchaya Phinthong, Rosalind Nashashibi, Simone Forti

07.12 – Xing invites Institute of Rest(s) for an (Im)mobility Salon #4 at Raum in Bologna with Daniela Crocetti, Cécile Tonizzo, Alix Eynaudi, Anne Faucheret, Paul Kotal, Zoe Lamattina & Ida Malfatti

06.11 – 09.11 premiere Death by Landscape, a concert @ brut Wien (AT)

05.10 – excerpt of Death By Landscape, a concert in Bad Ischl for European Capital of Culture Bad Ischl Salzkammergut 2024

14.09 Tuxedo No. 2 @ Centre Wallonie Bruxelles, Paris. Invitation into an event organised by Raimundas Malašauskas with Tarek Atoui – Manon de Boer – Pierre Bismuth – Kristien Daem – Gintaras Didziapetris- Jason Dodge -Alix Eynaudi – Alexandre Guirkinger – Gabriel Lester – Han Gyeol Lie – Candice Lin – Jill Mulleady – Elena Narbutaite – Rosalind Nashashibi – Julie Peeters – Sandra Straukaite – Miet Warlop – Alex Franz Zehetbauer

22.08 – 24.08 – Restshop #7, with Simon Asencio. Summer University (SU24) at Performing Arts Forum (PAF)

08.08 – 10.08Insomnia @ Le Far Nyon (CH) with Cécile Tonizzo, Myriam Lefkowicz, Dr Geoffroy Solelhac

15.07 – 19.07Restshop #6 – Institute of Rest(s) meets danceteller Elizabeth Ward @ ImpulsTanz, Vienna. Open Level.

03.06 – 11.06 (Im)mobility Salon #3 at Volkskundemuseum Vienna with Paula Caspão Shivangi Mariam Raj Anne Faucheret Jason Dodge Ujjwal Kanishka Utkarsh Raimundas Malasauškas Mette Edvardsen Jeroen Peeters Jaba Devdariani Nini Gabrichidze Serena Lee Catol Teixeira Auguste De Boursetty Sabina Holzer Olia Sosnovskaya Andrea Ancira Claire Lefèvre Alex Franz Zehetbauer Anne Juren, Nicole Suzuki, magazine The Funambulist independent publishing houses Civil.ge, Varamo Press, fivehundred places, Tumbalacasa & the collection of artist records Xong, by Xing Silvia Fanti & Daniele Gasparinetti

15.04 – 21.04 (Im)mobility Salon #2 @ La Grange Centre/Arts et Sciences/Unil Lausanne with Paula Caspão, Cécile Tonizzo, Barbara Manzetti, Les Médusales and Catol Teixeira. Salon unfolding in the shadows of the performance Le Cerveau Mou de l’Existence by Collectif Foulles

08.04 – 14.04 assisting which dances – which writes Aluminium Assemblages by Sabina Holzer & Elisabeth Schäfer in the frame of the Klimabiennale Wien at the Volkskundemuseum.

18.03 – 22.03 Restshop #4 @ École des Beaux-Arts de Marseille, invitation by Simon Asencio.

11.03 – 15.03 (Im)mobility Salon #1 @ Tanzfabrik with Paula Caspão, Emma Bigé Ujjwal Kanishka Utkarsh Yves Mettler Clementine Burnley & Alix Eynaudi

29.01 – 02.02 Restshop #3,5 at PARTS master program Studios

21.01 Study Session Performance Studies: On Extraction together with Valentina Desideri & Anne Juren in the frame of the exhibition Denise Ferreira da Silva & Arjuna Neuman. Ancestral Clouds Ancestral Claims.


11.12 -21.12 Institute of Rest(s) in residency @ Volkskundemuseum. with Cécile Tonizzo

21.10 BRUNO @ Tanzquartier for the Austrian Choreographic Platform 2023

2.10 – 7.10 Poetry without Poets #2 is a chapter, an annex, a foreroom, a suffix, and a prefix all at once to Institute of Rest(s) @ Center for Theater Studies, University of Lisbon. With Paula Caspão, Joachim Hamou, Nina Pertsov, Jerôme Dupraz, Cécile Tonizzo

25.09 – 29.05 Restshop #3 @ Tanzquartier together with film maker Ujjwal Kanishka Utkarsh

17.06 Which Dots to Connect, a conversational drift between Alix Eynaudi & Raimundas Malašauskas, presented during Choreographic Devices @ ICA, London

15.07 -17.07 Hedera Helix @ ImpulsTanz. performance by Elizabeth Ward with Elizabeth Ward, Mzamo Nondlwana, Samuel Feldhandler & Alix Eynaudi

22.06 A Word of Mouth @ Museuo CA2M, Madrid. An evening curated by Quim Pujol: Palabras Chachachá featuring Clara Amaral, Simon Asencio & Alix Eynaudi

22.05 – 26.05 Restshop #1  is the first iteration of a series workshops organised around the project Institute of Rest(s) @ Tanzquartier – special guest in the room: Ari Ban.

17.04 – 17.05 Institute of Rest(s) @ La Manufacture, together with Auguste De Boursetty, Catol Teixeira & Cécile Tonizzo

27.02 / 03.03. Restshop #1 is the first iteration of a series workshops organised around the project Institute of Rest(s) @ Tanzquartier – special guest in the room: performance-artist, writer, facilitator Sabina Holzer.

7. / 11.02. Poetry without Poets #1 Choreo-Somatics of Resting Dissidence is a chapter, an annex, a fore room, a suffix, and a prefix all at once, to an Institute of Rest(s). With Paula Caspão, Cécile Tonizzo, Sabina Holzer, Ujjwal Kanishka Utkarsh, Quim Pujol, Joachim Hamou & mollusca productions.

Saturday 11.02 at 10.30, special guest Ari Ban will give a (free) workshop @ Tanzquartier: Queer Gossip / Overhearing

Institute of Rest(s) is supported by La Manufacture, Haute école des Arts de la Scène – HES-SO Lausanne, In partnership with Tanzquartier Wien , La Grange Center /Arts et Sciences / UNIL Lausanne, Xing, Bologna, Le Far, Nyon, Tanzfabrik, Berlin, Volkskundemuseum Vienna, ImpulsTanz Vienna.


Fri 16. / Sat 17.12. – 19.30 / TQW Halle G Alix Eynaudi / PARASOL – to sing the wind, pipes and bones, a dance choral by Han-Gyeol Lie & Paul Kotal & Alix Eynaudi – with Alex Bailey, Camilla Schielin, Júlia Rúbies Subirós, Shahrzad Nazarpour, Theresa Scheinecker – light design: Krisha Piplits (re-visit of the light design made for the piece by Elizabeth Ward Hedera Helix)

Sat 3. / Sun 4.12Prelude to an Institute of Rest(s) at Palazzo Vizzani in Bologna together with Xing (Direction and coordination Silvia Fanti, Daniele Gasparinetti, Paolo Liaci), in collaboration with Alchemilla. Alix Eynaudi invites Jason Dodge, Marco Mazzoni, Raimundas Malašauskas, Mark Lorimer, Hugo Le Brigand, Paula Caspão and An Breugelmans.

Sun 13.11 TOGETHER THE PARTS Day 3– Festival CURATED BY KATALIN ERDŐDI AND PHILIPP GEHMACHER. An artistic performative gathering with Alix Eynaudi, Eliana Otta, Peter Kutin, Gáddjá Haarla Pieski

Fri 11.11 TOGETHER THE PARTS Day 1 – Festival CURATED BY KATALIN ERDŐDI AND PHILIPP GEHMACHER. An artistic performative gathering with Myriam Lefkowitz, Alix Eynaudi with PARASOL, Nil Yalter, SERAFINE1369, Sabina Holzer/Hans Schabus/Philipp Gehmacher

Fri 25. / Sat 26.11., 19.30 / TQW Halle G, dancer in the performance by Elizabeth Ward Hedera Helix with Elizabeth Ward, Mzamo Nondlwana, Samuel Feldhandler & Alix Eynaudi

Fri 26. / Sat 27.08 – Mars Returns, a sound & performance event organised by Contemporary Art Centre (CAC), Vilnius and curated by Raimundas Malašauskas @ the Mykolas Žilinskas Art Gallery. Kaunas, Lithuania. with Tarek Atoui, Leonardo Carlo Coccorante, Pan Daijing, Jason Dodge, Alix Eynaudi, Ernst Karl Eugen Koerner, John Menick, Valzhyna Mort, Jill Mulleady, Marija Olšauskaitė, Ragemore w/ Gediminas Žygus, Artūras Raila, Ariana Reines, Francesco Rustici, Seiko and Casio, Sofija Veiverytė.

10. / 11.08BRUNO @ Le Far° , Nyon

21.06Noa & Snow, poem #9 @ Volksundemuseum Wien – book launch

9. / 10.03BRUNO @ Kaaitheater, Brussels

18. / 23.01The Rehearsal @ Museo Macro, inside of Cut a Door in the Wolf, by artist Jason Dodge


13 – 17 December – Lab @ Tanzquartier Wien at the invitation of Elizabeth Ward, Abstraction and Aboutness in Dance

8 – 14 November residency in Nyon at Le Far° – Noa & Snow

8 & 9 OctoberBRUNO @ Tanzquartier Wien

23 July – Noa & Snow, poem #4 @ Wiesenburg in the frame of Tanznacht Berlin, Vertigo (part two)

26 & 27 June – Insomnia, a word of mouth @ Live Arts Week, Bologna

19 & 20 June Insomnia, a word of mouth @ Spider Festival, Ljubljana

7 – 11 June Noa & Snow, poem #6 @ Volksundemuseum Wien

28 MayWhich Dances, a choreographic assemblage, a project by Sabina Holzer


9 – 20 November Noa & Snow, poem #5 Volkskundemuseum Wien – films

2 NovemberNoa & Snow, poem #4 et demi at ICI-CCN Montpellier. with Paula Caspão, Quim Pujol, Joachim Hamou & Alix Eynaudi, in the frame of Biennale des Arts en Méditérannée. project funded by the FWF via PEEK, project AR 553, produced by boîte de production

26th of October – 5th of November 2020 – workshop at ex.erce MA in collaboration with Paula Caspão & residency at ICI-CCN Montpellier

23rd of October 2020 – Into your day, performance at Brunnenpassage, Vienna, together with Mihret Kebede

12th September 2020 – Notebooks, small acts of friendship at Festwochen Reframed, Vienna

27th – 31st July2020 The future is made of ghosts (aka Poetry X Dance: Future Rituals) –  workshop Impulstanz CANCELLED

29th of June – 3rd of July 2020 La Manufacture, Lausanne

8th – 13th of June 2020 residency at Brunnenpassage, Vienna

1st – 14th of June 2020 – Noa & Snow, poem #3 in Vienna at the Volkskundemuseum Wien, with Mette Edvardsen Quim Pujol, Lydia McGlinchey, Christian Kosmas Mayer, Mark Lorimer, Ujjwal Utkarsh, Alix Eynaudi, Eva Holzinger. produced by boîte de production, co-produced by brut, Wien, presented at the Volkskundemuseum, Vienna. CANCELLED

18th-24th of May 2020 Lab @ Tanzquartier, Jennifer Lacey, Krõõt Jurak, Mzamo Nondlwana, Anne Juren, Amanda Piña & guests

13th of April 2020 – Noa & Snow, poem #2 in Lisbon, in the frame of the research project Noa & Snow , at Espaço Alkantara, with Paula Caspão, Quim Pujol, Lydia McGlynchey, Clara Amaral, Nuno Bizarro, Alix Eynaudi, Eva Holzinger. Organised in friendship with “Expanded Practices All Over” a series curated by Paula Caspāo, with guest Fred Moten. Produced by boîte de production. project funded by the FWF via PEEK, program for arts-based research, project AR 553 CANCELLED

21st of March 2020 session #1 in G major für Alix Eynaudi by Han-Gyeol Lie during Choreographic devices, ICA, London. With Han-Gyeol Lie, Alex Zehetbauer, Raimundas Malašauskas, Alix Eynaudi CANCELLED

3rd – 7th of February 2020 Exposure To A Community To Come, lab hosted by Sabina Holzer in the company of Brigitte Wilfing, Elisabeth Schäfer, Jack Hauser, Jeroen Peeters, Katrin Hornek, Sara Lanner, at Tanzquartier

1st – 2nd of February 2020 – Noa & Snow, poem #1, the first public occurrence of Noa & Snow at the Volkskundemuseum. with Paula Caspão, Quim Pujol, Cécile Tonizzo, Bruno Pocheron, An Breugelmans, Ujjwal Utkarsh, Alix Eynaudi, Eva Holzinger

16th -30th January -2020 Danceweb selection for ImPulsTanz


9th – 13th of December carte blanche with Parts students, Brussels

3rd – 7th of December  E  N  C HAN T  E  ES at Tanzquartier Wien, a week long program featuring Mirhet Kebede, Virginie Bobin, Eliana Otta, Olia Sosnovskaya, Han-Gyeol Lie & more.

16th of November – Nyon, Les Retrouvailles, Le Far°, Nyon

5th till 8th of November – “Expanded Practices All Over” by Paula Caspāo in Lisbon, guest, Shannon Jackson

3rd of November – guest of Lara Favaretto in her project Thinking Head at the Venice Biennale

30th of September – 3rd of October – The Company One keeps, learning platform organised for students from KASK (Performance) and UGent (S :PAM), in the frame of LEARNING TOGETHER, an alternative educational platform organised with and at Kunstencentrum BUDA.

28th – 29th of September – The Company One keeps, a public program at Kunstencentrum BUDA in Kortrijk (BE), imagined in the frame of LEARNING TOGETHER, an alternative educational platform organised jointly by Kunstencentrum BUDA, KASK (Performance) and UGent (S :PAM).

September 2019 – start of the research project Noa & Snow funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) via PEEK:  Projektnummer: AR 553.

14th – 24th of August direction of the Atelier d’écritures Festival Le Far°, Nyon

29th of April – 26th of May  La Manufacture, Lausanne. creation with the BA students

27th – 28th of April  Untitled, with violist Yodfat Miron, light designer Bruno Pocheron, a commission by Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop at Radialsystem, Berlin

4th – 7th of April Notebooks, small acts of friendship during the festival Close Encounters, organised by Dansehallerne at Den Frie gallery in Copenhagen